Coach Profile

ICF Jakarta Charter Chapter

  • Antakirana, PCC


Mr. Antakirana is a very creative and dynamic person with high enthusiasm. His passion is to help, facilitate, and inspire people fulfill their true purpose and maximize their true potential in life. His careers in four difference industries: insurance/finance, information technology, education, training and consulting, have led him to specialize in people development, human empowerment, creative-modules development in leadership, communication, selling skills, and competency-based trainings. Having experiences in: strategic forward planning, develop and maximizing team performance, practicing the application of modern training methods. He has conducted training, coaching and consulting for the past 13 years for thousands of people, from staffs, supervisors, managers, directors and to the CEO from the Fortune 500 Companies, MNCs, and Indonesia’s public listed companies. He is a Certified Professional Behavior and Values Analyst of Success Insights International®; a Professional Certified Coach of International Coaching Federation®; a Certified Neuro Semantics NLP Master Practitioner from International Society of Neuro-Semantics®; a Certified Masteries Practitioner from International Association of Coaching®; a Certified Trainer/Expert of Points of You®; an Associate Certified Meta-Coach(p)® from Meta-Coach Foundation; and Certified BNSP Trainer 5th Level KKNI. Now, as a Founder and CEO of PT. Komunika Cipta Performa he specializes his company in providing soft-skills and coaching training solutions in Indonesia. He also a founder of Yayasan Menorah Cipta Cemerlang whose mission to equip and empower younger generation to be their best. He has married with two children and has written 5 published books.

Coaching Specialization : Communication Skills, Organizational Leadership Development, Personal Growth,
Type of Client : Personal and Organizational
Credential : PCC
Fluent Languages : Bahasa & English
Personal Website :
Status : Active


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